Tuesday, August 1, 2017

REVIEW: Harry Potter and the cursed child (J. K. Rowling)

Hello everybody!

As you can see, this is my first review written in English. I decided for this because I've read this last episode of Harry Potter in English. So again, I am trying to improve my English knowledge.

So we are going to analyse Harry Potter and the cursed child, the eight and last story of Harry Potter by J. K. Rowling and Jack Thorne. It is not a normal book, it is written as a screenplay or a skript for a theatre play. In my opinion, this is the main mistake! I would say that if they had written it as a book (with more details and more elaborate plot) it would have been a lot better. I am not saying it is bad, I liked the topic of traveling in time but it was so austere.

The characters of Harry, Hermione, Ginny, Ron or Draco just didn't seem much appropriate as 40-year-old people. There were also only some scenic notes but not detailed. This "book" really lacks an omniscient narrator. I think that about one hundered pages more of detailed action would be much much better. I just couldn't live in action and imagine it enough to really like this book. As much as I love Harry Potter, this book was a little disappointment for me. Yes, it was interesting because it was just something different but I would enjoy a classic book more.

As far as the characters are concern, as I already said they don't seem much realistic. I have read the whole Harry Potter series I think three times already (not to mention the movies which I know by heart) so I know all the characters pretty well and their behaviour in this last story is really weird. For example I can't imagine Harry and Draco to talk to each other like that. Sometimes we can see the old animosity between them but sometimes they are almost like best friends and Draco even stands behind Harry when he needs it (not bad but very weird). Also the style how Harry is sometimes talking to professor McGonagall (nowadays the headmistress of Hogwarts)- I know that Harry would never talk to her so disrespectfully because he always reputed her and he was always very kind to people who deserve it. Also when he is talking to his son Albus, he is rude to him and it seems that he doesn't even try to understand him. That's just not Harry how I know him (in case he didn't become really bad boy in those 20 years). Then there is Scorpius, Draco's son who is so different than his father but ok, that can be.

But what really irritated me was young Albus Potter. He is so full of anger, he hates his father's popularity while he should be proud of him (I mean, Harry saved the world, that's wrong with that?) but instead he thinks that everyone is judging him that he is not like Harry. But this is not a fault of Harry's popularity, it is a fault of Albus' spite that he is carrying inside his heart. In my opinion that is why he is sorted to Slytherin and from this moment he becomes embittered with the whole world with just one exception- his best and only friend. 

There are also lots of little things that really irritated me because it was different than in the whole series- like for example addressing. I am so used to Draco call everybody by their last name (like Weasley or Granger) that it was really weird if he calls them Ron and Hermione. The same is with Snape in the alternative reality, I just can't imagine him calling them Ron and Hermione.

What else? I really liked the topic of a time traveling as I already said and it was interesting to watch how the world is changing every time they travel. There was also very interesting and well- fanciful plot about the girl Delphi but the whole story is not so sophisticated and detailed as it deserved to be. I would really like to see this performance but I think it is hard to perform. I think so because of all the magical thinks, in movie you can use special effects but in the theatre? I don't think so. At least the cover is nice and it is an indispensable part of a Harry Potter books.


  1. Knihu mám doma už dlouho, od jejího vydání, a stále se k ní nemůžu dokopat. Vrátila jsme se zpět k prvnímu dílu a až přečtu všechny, pak se vrhnu na tuhle novinku :) Tak jsem zvědavá, jak na mě bude působit. :/

    1. Jako ono to není špatný, ten námět je fakt skvělý, ale prostě by si to zasloužilo víc rozpracovat do klasické knihy než jen scénáře :) takhle mě to trochu zklamalo, podle mě kniha prostě nedosáhla stejné úrovně jako předchozích 7 dílů :/ určitě ale stojí za přečtení, už jen kvůli tomu, že je to prostě Harry Potter ;)

  2. To je super! Aspoň mohu potrénovat svoji (bídnou angličtinu) :D

    1. Jsem moc ráda, že mé články budou třeba někomu k užitku :) já sama tímto stylem procvičuji :) ale netvrdím, že tam nejsou chyby :D
